Excess weight carried underneath the chin, typically between the chin and neck. Often associated with weight gain or losing skin elasticity due to aging.
A double chin, clinically referred to as submental fat, is a common issue that arises when a fat layer develops beneath your chin. It's commonly linked with weight gain, but you don't necessarily have to be overweight to develop one. Various elements can contribute to its emergence - heredity, aging or even poor posture that weakens the neck and chin muscles. The skin might lose its elastisity flexibility and fail to bounce back, leading to the appearance of a double chin regardless of weight.
The good news? Huntington Dermatology can help reduce the appearance of your double chin safely and effectively.
How is it treated?
Say goodbye to your double chin with our minimally invasive treatments. Schedule a consultation at our office located in Huntington, West Virginia, and take the first step toward a more defined profile today!